Ho, boy. Have I ignored this page for a while!
Just like a lot of the websites I’ve built in the past, I often forget that I have this sitting around.
No longer!
I will be updating this as frequently as I can from now on, at least once a week. I’m even setting up schedule reminders on my calendar for it!
Whats been new in my world of photography? Quite a lot actually. I’ve done many, many photoshoots over the past year, many of which you can now see on my updated site pages. I’ve gotten some new gear, done some traveling, and even started a VLOG on Youtube
And, most recently, I’ve taken the next leap in improving my photography: Purchased my first full-frame camera!!
Look at her, isn’t she pretty? What shall I name her? (or him, I don’t know if it’s a guy, girl, or something non-binary??) Comment below!
And of course among the first pictures I had to take with my new baby is OF my baby… because the internet is made for cats!
I’ve had that 85mm lens for a while now, and it’s the only FE lens I have so it’ll have to live on my new baby!
Isn’t she adorable?