Weekly Update, Doctor Strange + Heat
I promised I would update this more frequently, so here I am! I figure to cap off the week I’ll write something on Saturday nights/Sunday mornings to recap my week in the world of Photography.
Saturday afternoon I had a photoshoot with a friend, she was cosplaying as Doctor Strange. We were going to shoot outdoors, but the afternoon heat was killing us within minutes and her costume was heavy and it just was not a good idea to be out there in that heat like that (stay hydrated, kids!). We were going to shoot the night before but it was threatening to rain and it did here and there so we put it off. At any rate, we decided to shoot in a makeshift studio (a house with a blank wall) which worked out okay.
Funny thing, after the shoot, which I used my A6300 with, I showed her my new camera and showed her how quick it can lock on with the focus, and I started popping off shots. Holy crap, this A7III is amazing!
And randomly, she had walked in front of where my light stand was and the softbox was facing the wall, and so I decided to put my flash transmitter on the A7 and popped off a shot, didn’t change any settings… and wow I suddenly got some awesome high-key looking shots just all randomly! Just blown out the background and the ambient light wrapping around her nicely. I’ll post one of those shots below.
The rest of the Doctor Strange shoot will have to come later, there is a lot to be edited. A lot of photoshop work.
Till next week!
85mm FE lens at f/1.8; 1/250s, ISO 100