This is what a three-day hustle feels like!!
My “weekend” is Thursday and Friday nights off. I have a 40-hour a week night shift job, so usually my best days right now to do photoshoots are Thursday nights, all day Friday, and Saturday afternoons, typically.
This weekend of mine was nuts! Three, count them, THREE different photoshoots over three days, three locations! And yes, it was a blast and my creative juices was flowing! However, as I joked to a friend, I freaking need a vacation from my weekend! (peep the file count below in the three folders of photos!)
But, no vacation for me, as I have a lot, and I mean a LOT of editing to be doing!! Not to mention the past photoshoot that I did the week before still needs to be finished!
This is my life!
48 Gigs worth of photos. Yup, thats a thing!
Every day I’m hustlin’, hustlin’!!